Increasing Access to Transgender & Gender Diverse Competent Mental Health & Addiction Support

About Our Mission

Rainbow Transformations Foundation (RTF) is committed to:

  • paying for transgender and gender-diverse folks to get whatever mental health/addiction support they need, up to 12-months of continuous treatment and aftercare

  • working directly with treatment providers to ensure they offer an trans- and gender-diversity affirming environment with specialized insights and sufficient touchpoints between trans and gender diverse clients and their community

  • lobbying for reforms which prioritize behavioral care to minority communities where their experiences of societal discrimination inform the majority of their challenges

Until you’ve walked a mile in our shoes…

America’s behavioral healthcare landscape pays insufficient attention to the minority-stress and traumatizing lived experiences of trans and gender diverse people in unsafe times. These communities are disproportionately affected by mental health challenges, addiction, violence, poverty, homelessness, racial and other intersectional inequities. Healthcare providers are honor bound to meet these clients where they are at.

Let’s Get Real for a Second

These are the facts on the ground that the transgender and gender diverse communities are facing

Clinical Competency

A Rainbow Flag does NOT a competent program make and being affirming is just the tip of the iceberg.

Many mental health and addiction facilities promote 2SLGBTQIA+ affirming or even specialized programs. The realities are often quite different. This often leads to trans and gender diverse individuals feeling excluded, discriminated against, and pathologized in healthcare settings which already have a historically poor track record honoring their identities.

Gaps in Knowledge

There are various areas of specific insight which either directly or indirectly intersect with TGI clients. If these topics, as well as basic bio-psycho-social understandings of TGI identities aren’t within an organization’s sphere of competence, they should seek consultations and trainings. Areas include:

  • Gender Dysphoria

  • Diagnostic Overlaps

  • Neurodiversity

  • Poly/Kink/BDSM/Relational Structure Diversity

  • Certain Chronic Illnesses

  • Anti-Oppressive and Minority Stress Frameworks

A Fourfold Problem

Therefore, our communities are faced with the following challenge:

  • greater financial hardships which cause us to be uninsured or only able to receive state-based insurance

  • increased likelihood of experiencing mental health and/or addiction challenges

  • compounding effects of minority stress, including intersectional racial and ethnic identity challenges

  • fewer meaningful options for treatment because even those with financial means or good insurance out there face slim pickings when it comes to trans and gender diverse informed clinical programming

A Path Forward

The Rainbow Transformations Foundation aims to address these issues head on. We aim to forge powerful collaborations with existing providers, non-profits, corporate partners, private donors, and community mental health partners.

Together we can expand treatment options for our communities while simultaneously placing them in levels of care which have met an agreed upon level of competency.

We will not sit idly by. It’s time for a change.

Make a Donation.

Every little counts. All donations will contribute to funding treatment options for transgender and gender diverse individuals.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(310) 922-7698

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